How to contact us for a translation quote?

    1.You can get in touch with us directly through the online chat option or request for a quote by filling in the details. We will get in touch with you within no time.
    2.How can I make a payment for the services?
We accept payment through Paypal, Western Union Money Transfer, Bitcoins, cash and cheque deposits.
    3.What are the acceptable file formats? We accept files of different formats like PDF, ODP, DOC, XLSX, XLS, EPUB, ODT etc. For audio and video we accept MP3, MP4, FLV, WMA, AVI, AAC and more.
    4.What type of translations do you offer? We provide translations of different document types like audio files, documents, video files, multimedia and more.
    5.Are the translation packages affordable? Yes. We have different packages to suit different needs and budget. Get in touch with us and we will tell you what is best for you.
    6. Is my information safe? Once you submit your information to us, you don’t have to worry about it’s safety as all the content on our server is encrypted and safe.
    7. I am unable to find what I am looking for? If your queries are still not resolved, you can simply get in touch with us at our customer support. Our staff will definitely guide you.